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Bear Hunt Story Telling Session : Class KG

26 / Apr

“A good story can imbibe the right values in the most impressionable age.”

As a learning tool, storytelling can encourage the students to explore their unique expressiveness and can heighten a student’s ability to communicate thoughts and feelings in an articulate, lucid manner. It helps to improve their language skills, instills a love of reading and stirs their imagination.

To encourage the skills of listening and reading and to brighten the day of the KG students with a wonderful story -"We are Going on a Bear Hunt", a story telling session was conducted on 26th April,2023, during school hours, where life and expression was in abundance.

The session was conducted by Ms. Seema Shiv, a professional storyteller.

She took the children on a bear hunt and all the hurdles that came in between-the river, the oozy mud, the forest and the snowstorm were passed and duly enjoyed by the little ones. The snowstorm hurdle came up as their favourite, as they felt it by the water droplets sprinkled and paper snow poured on them. 

The activity hall resonated with the shrieks of excitement as the children found the bear in its cave.Class Teachers took the follow up activity in the respective classrooms where the children put the pictures in order of the story and coloured the same. It was an interactive session which was thoroughly enjoyed by the students.