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Class 1 Wonderful Wednesday

19 / Jul

“ We don’t “have “ a great day. We “make it a great day!”

Wonderful Wednesdays are special days of fun, action, liveliness and learning .
The children entered their classrooms with smiles and excitement looking forward to the Wonderful Wednesday activities Scheduled for the day ( July 19, 2023) .
The day started with warm up exercises, which geared up the little ones for an energetic day ahead. Different games like “Four Corner , Tricky cones and Dance like a wave through Hoopla” were thoroughly enjoyed by children.
These games helped to improve the cognitive and gross motor skills. Children showed their creativity by making boats along with a jumping frog using origami
sheet. The poem “Thithli” in Hindi added joy to this wet cool season.
The English class was transformed into a gaming zone in which the children revised the concepts of is / am / are through the activity “ Use Me Correct “ .
The children showcased their understanding of number concepts by playing the ply card game. This hand on activity helped to enhance their concept of numbers and to identify and recognize the quantities
This “Wonderful Wednesday” revitalised the students and the teachers too.

“ A day well- spent”

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