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Class 2 Wonderful Wednesday

13 / Jul

“ Tell me and I forget, teach me and I remember, involve me and I learn.” Benjamin Franklin


“Wonderful Wednesdays” is a bimonthly event which have been introduced with the students of Grade II. This is a day of learning with fun. The children are engaged in various educational and entertaining activities. These special days are intended to provide the children a break from their regular schedules and give them time to explore, experiment, engage and learn.


July 13, 2022: Various activities around Math, English, Hindi, and Environmental Studies were planned for the children. Every activity was unique. While the game in Math allowed them to revisit the concept of odd-even, English activity encouraged, focus, attention and vocabulary development. In Hindi, while the children were given an opportunity to share their experiences, the activity in EVS, allowed them to analyse their experiences and various settings to determine what is safe and unsafe for them.

The children enthusiastically participated in "Wonderful Wednesday" and embraced it with a lot of happiness.

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