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Dussehra Assembly Primary

14 / Oct

Dussehra Assembly

On 8th October, grades I- V conducted a special assembly on Dusshera. Students from grade IV presented a short skit depicting the true story of  Ramayan . Grade V students presented a talk show emphasising on the true meaning of Dusshera in today’s world and also enlightened the audience about the customs and traditions that are followed in the Southern part of India during Dusshera .

Our young students showcased the values of devotion, courage and triumph of good over evil through mesmerising songs and graceful dances. The programme concluded with the Dhunuchi dance by the teachers, a dance symbolising devotion and grace. The vote of thanks was given by the primary coordinator.

Album Link:  https://photos.app.goo.gl/eNTPAiZcTSffKzG36