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First General Body Meeting of the newly instituted School Parliament

07 / Jul

The First General Body Meeting of the New School Parliament and the Handing over Ceremony for the year 2023-24, was held in the school auditorium today. The
meeting was attended by Father Carvalho, Principal Sir, Parliament Coordinators, ministry in charges and members of the new and the old parliament.
The demitting secretaries of different ministries handed over their files to the newly elected members and thanked the school for giving them the opportunity to lead their ministries. The newly appointed leaders tried to infuse the spirit of enthusiasm among the members and set the ball rolling with the announcements of their agenda, planned for the coming months.
Father Carvalho concluded the session by reminding the students to continue to uphold the values of compassion and gratitude in high regard. He also motivated the students to think critically and logically before planning and executing any event or meeting held by the School Parliament in general.

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