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​Hindi Abhivyakti (Hindi Oratory Skill Activity)- KG

05 / Aug

​Hindi Abhivyakti (Hindi Oratory Skill Activity)- KG

Hindi Abhivyakti (Hindi Oratory Skill Activity) was conducted for the children of Class KG from 22nd July to 24th of July. There was 100% participation from all the six sections of class -KG.                                                 

Little Agnelites from Kindergarten confidently introduced themselves on the stage and gave amazing  performances on the -Topic- Paushtik Aahaar ,Jeevan ka aadhaar (Eat Healthy to Stay Healthy and Fit).Some of the children had prepared  a poem while others presented a short speech or small  paragraph on  topic.

Children understood the topic well and expressed themselves wonderfully in Hindi and used colourful props to enhance their first stage performance. Appreciation badges were given to each of the participants.

ALBUM LINK: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1V8vKPPpewobkg-QEEeYfgtSA3iohT5hm?usp=sharing