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28 / Jul

Reading through books is not the only medium of learning but fun filled activities also enhance the learning process for the preschool children.

Keeping this in consideration, "Hindi Abhivyakti Activity" was organized for the students of Class KG on the topic-image.pngThis activity was designed and planned for the children to understand the topic and express themselves in Hindi. Developing confidence, improving vocabulary and also helping children to get rid of stage fright while speaking on the mike were the other objectives with which this activity was planned and executed successfully in the school auditorium-Udaan from 25.07.2023 to 28.07.2023. Students expressed their ideas and thoughts about Swachh Bharat and provided relevant information about the same through a poem or a speech. Eye catching props made by the parents were  used  effectively by the children enhancing their presentation. Overall it was a very enriching experience for the spectators and an enjoyable experience for the participants.

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