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Show and Tell Activity : Class KG

08 / May

A Show and Tell Activity was organised for the Kindergarten students  on 8th May 2023 to strengthen the verbal skills and to foster public speaking competency of the young minds. The theme of the activity was - Summer Season.

The students  participated actively which helped them to build their self-confidence.The children were excited to share their descriptive narration and waited eagerly for their turn to show the object of their choice and talk about it. This event helped our tiny tots to build their social, emotional and language skills. It was an interesting experience for the kids to share their feelings and thoughts about the summer season, their favourite summer time activity, their favourite summer fruits and vegetables, with their peers , which provided a fun and comfortable learning arena for everyone involved. The variety of objects brought to school by the children related to the summer season - caps, hats, sunglasses, summer fruits and vegetables- pictures and real objects added much excitement throughout.The pinning of handmade appreciation badges on each child by the class teacher added to their sense of achievement at the end of the day.

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