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Show and Tell Activity-Nursery

07 / Oct

The children of class  Nursery participated in "Show and Tell Activity",on 3rd October on the theme"My Favorite Animal". Our young learners enthusiastically showcased their favorites through hand held props, ranging from cuddly toys to stuffed animals -cows and pigs to lions and elephants, the array of animals brought to school was impressive.

 Each child shared fascinating facts about his/her chosen animal- what they eat, its distinctive characteristics, and habitats.

This engaging activity was designed to encourage public speaking skills, foster confidence,self-expression and active listening. It was  delightful to see the children's preparation and eagerness to share their knowledge with their teacher and peers.The activity seamlessly blended fun and learning, and enhanced  children's growth and curiosity.

Album Link:https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1Y6SQkv8EC_2IpdIorYpUa8crQZIt3cbd?usp=sharing